
Periodontal Treatment

The health of your gums is directly connected to your overall well-being, as they act as a barrier against harmful bacteria and viruses entering your bloodstream. Neglecting proper oral hygiene, such as daily brushing and flossing, can lead to gum inflammation, localized and generalized infections, and periodontal (gum) disease. This condition, if left untreated, can result in bone loss, loose teeth, and eventual tooth loss, along with potential medical problems like heart disease, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders.

Periodontal disease can be caused by various factors, including:

  • Inadequate daily brushing and flossing
  • Incorrect brushing technique
  • Smoking or tobacco use
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Infrequent checkups or professional cleanings

There are several things you can do every day to prevent and limit periodontal disease. Here are some key recommendations:

  • Maintain a regular brushing regimen using a power brush like Sonicaire, and remember to direct the bristles under the gumline to disrupt bacterial growth and plaque formation
  • Incorporate the use of an antiseptic mouthwash into your daily routine
  • For those who don't regularly floss, consider using an Air Floss device as a supplement to your flossing regimen
  • Maintain regular dental checkups and teeth cleanings to monitor your oral health

Remember to continue brushing and flossing consistently. If you have any questions or need guidance on proper brushing techniques, don't hesitate to contact our Thornhill dental team at Promenade Village Dental.


Oravital helps to treat severe gingivitis and/or periodontal disease using antibiotic rinses. It is also used to treat gingivitis, halitosis and periodontal disease following conventional treatment where further improvement in clinical response is needed. Oravital works like a probiotic to reduce bad bacteria and promote healthy bacteria.

Oravital is one of the most simple and successful options to treat gingivitis/periodontal disease.


The first step is to culture the bacteria in your mouth, specifically on your tongue, gums and teeth. Prior to this appointment, you will be asked not to eat, drink, rinse or brush your teeth for the 2 hours preceding the appointment. This allows for an accurate measurement.

Our Thornhill dentist or hygienist will simply rub your tongue and teeth and transfer the bacteria to a slide for analysis at our lab. Your gums will also be measured and assessed for bleeding points, or a previous assessment will be used if completed within the past 6 months.

The culture results will be sent back to us and you will return to start the antibiotic rinses which target the bacteria we need to treat. You will use 2 separate rinses, 2 or 3 times per day for two weeks each, and then return for a follow-up visit. At the follow-up visit your gums will be re-measured and gauged for improvements.

Regular hygiene maintenance appointments will be recommended to support long-term oral health and prevent the recurrence of gum disease, gingivitis, or halitosis.

Deep Cleaning / Deep Scaling

A deep cleaning may sound like an exceptionally long and aggressive session with your toothbrush, but it is actually a treatment process performed by a dental hygienist to defend your teeth against periodontal disease. Deep cleanings are often done when a person has not had regular dental cleaning appointments every six months.

What is periodontal disease?

Periodontal disease or gum disease is caused by infection of the gums and bone surrounding the teeth. Initially, it is called gingivitis and the gums will be swollen and red. When it becomes more serious, it is called periodontitis and in these cases, gums are pulled away from teeth, bone can be lost, and teeth may even fall out!

Periodontal disease is most often caused by the lack of cleaning and the plaque buildup that follows. Bacteria can stay on teeth and create a film of tartar, which can then spread below the gum line. In these cases, a deep cleaning treatment with our Thornhill dental team will be required.

Do I need a deep cleaning?

On a typical visit to the dentist, our Thornhill hygienist will examine the area around your teeth for pocketing (pockets are areas between the teeth and gums where bacteria can form). The ideal depth for healthy pockets is no more than 3 mm deep. Pocketing occurs if the depth of gum tissue between the tooth and gum is more than 5 mm. If this is the case, our dental team will schedule a deep cleaning appointment for you.

What happens during a deep cleaning?

The deep cleaning process involves scaling and root planning.

Scaling is the scraping off of tartar and plaque from the tooth's surface, the pocket areas, and below the gum line. Root planing then smooths the tooth root and helps the gums reattach to the tooth. Scaling and root planning procedures may involve two visits to our office The follow-up visit may be necessary to verify your gums and teeth are healthier and without pocket depth.

How do I keep my teeth clean?

Ideally, after a deep cleaning session, the bacteria in the pockets of the teeth will be removed and through sustaining a proper hygiene routine at home, your gums will be healthier.

If deep scaling and three-month visits to the dentist do not reverse periodontal diseases, book an appointment with our Thornhill dentist to discuss a personalized treatment plan for you.

At Promenade Village Dental, we have a dedicated staff of professional dental hygienists who will carefully examine your teeth and gums and perform deep cleaning to leave you with a fresh and confident healthy smile.

Gum Grafting

Because of many reasons such as inadequate oral hygiene, hormone changes, diabetes, and other illnesses, you may experience gum recession. Since gum tissue can't regrow itself, our Thornhill Dental team may recommend gum graft surgery.

Gum grafts are necessary to help stop the process of gum recession and bone loss. They can also reduce teeth sensitivity, protect your roots from decay, and give you a more even gum line. After your gum tissue has receded, most people find the colour difference between their roots and tooth enamel noticeable. Root surfaces are also softer than enamel, so when they aren't protected by gum tissue, they are at risk of root decay. Unless gum grafting occurs, the recession can get worse, leading to the possibility of tooth loss.

Depending on your situation, our Thornhill dentist, Dr. Shima Parhizgar may perform one of the following:

  • Connective tissue graft: This is the most common type of graft, and it's usually done for many areas of recession. Your dentist will take underlying connective tissue from a flap made on the roof of your mouth and then stitch it over the exposed roots.
  • Free gingival graft: If you have fragile gum tissue that needs reinforcing, your dentist may take a small piece of tissue from your palate and attach it to the existing gum tissue around your tooth.

To learn more about the gum graft procedure and determine whether it is right for you, contact our Thornhill dental office today!

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